Business as Usual

Business as Usual

Child: Bigteacher, it’s all conflict and confusion. I am unable to attend to my studies.

Bigteacher: Visualize a place similar to yours: is that something like a stock market or a fish market? Is it anything like being in the midst of a crowd, an angry mob, or a war zone? What is it like?

Child: It feels like being in the middle of a chaotic marketplace. Everyone is shouting, moving, and there’s no clear direction.

Bigteacher: Amidst this confusion, conflict, and chaos in the stock market or the fish market, or the mob, crowd, or a war zone, isn’t there a business happening? Don’t people come together and get their job done? Don’t they return home profiting from their bargain and business?

Child: Yes, I suppose they do. Even in the chaos, transactions happen, deals are made, and people benefit.

Bigteacher: There may be some who are still in a quarrel with others, or in an argument, losing sight of their purpose for being there. Some might end up as tools or scapegoats for another’s business or as hindrances to themselves or others. There may be many such scenarios.

Child: That’s true. Some people get caught up in the chaos and lose track of what they need to accomplish.

Bigteacher: But the purpose of being in the place you are is only known to you. You can choose to look for the hay or for the needle lost in the haystack. However, what you most certainly get will be what you most wantedly looked for. You certainly are never wrong.

Child: So, even in the midst of chaos, if I focus on my purpose, I can still achieve my goals?

Bigteacher: Precisely. It is about where you place your focus. Amidst the chaos, find your needle. Stay true to your purpose, and you will find what you seek.


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