Dear Courting Couples,

Dear courting couples,

I would like to share with you a beautiful poem by Robert Browning called “Life in a Love.” In this poem, Browning reflects on the enduring pursuit of love despite obstacles and challenges.

The speaker in the poem expresses a determination to continue seeking love, even in the face of rejection or disappointment. Browning conveys a sense of resilience and persistence, suggesting that the pursuit of love is an integral part of life’s journey.

Let’s delve into the poem together:

“Escape me? Never—
While I am I, and you are you,
So long as the world contains us both,
Me the loving and you the loth,
While the one eludes, must the other pursue.”

Here, the speaker expresses their unwavering commitment to pursuing love, regardless of any obstacles that may arise. They acknowledge the dual nature of their relationship, where one is the pursuer and the other the pursued.

“My life is a fault at last, I fear:
It seems too much like a fate, indeed!
Though I do my best I shall scarce succeed.
But what if I fail of my purpose here?”

Despite the speaker’s fears of failure, they are determined to continue their pursuit of love. They acknowledge that life may present challenges, but they are resolved to keep striving.

“It is but to keep the nerves at strain,
To dry one’s eyes and laugh at a fall,
And, baffled, get up and begin again,—
So the chase takes up one’s life, that’s all.”

The speaker recognizes that the pursuit of love may be difficult and challenging. However, they emphasize the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of setbacks.

“While, look but once from your farthest bound
At me so deep in the dust and dark,
No sooner the old hope goes to ground
Than a new one, straight to the self-same mark,
I shape me—

Here, the speaker reflects on the cyclical nature of their pursuit of love. Despite facing disappointment, they continue to shape themselves anew, ever hopeful and determined to find love.

In essence, “Life in a Love” encourages us to persevere in our pursuit of love, despite the challenges we may face. It reminds us that resilience, determination, and hope are essential qualities in the journey of love. So, as you embark on your journey together, may you find inspiration in Browning’s words and continue to pursue love with unwavering determination and hope.

With warm regards,


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